Since 1992 EVW has manufactured cogeneration units and contributed to energy efficient power production.
Cogeneration leads to untapped CO2 reduction and high efficiency decentralized power production (>90%) by usefully applying its dissipated heat locally.
Cogeneration (CHP) is the process of simultaneous generation of heat and power. The power derives from an internal combustion engine and is used to drive an alternator which in turn generates electric current. The dissipated heat is not lost but usefully applied for hot water production.

Cogeneration is the most efficient energy transformer
Cogeneration is recognized to be the most energy efficient method of transforming energy from fossil fuels or biomass into electric power. The integration of cogeneration systems into central heating systems, cooling installations and industrial, thermal production processes, steam production, CO2 fertilization, etc. is a precision job EVW’s engineering department addresses with experience and professionalism. We design your cogeneration and even trigeneration units in compliance with the most rigid standards and directives. We install them in line with your needs and specifications. And our first-class follow up and service prove reliability stretches beyond our test benches.
Already more than 70 units supplying over 60 MWe
To efficiently manage this footprint in the market, a suitable framework and infrastructure are required. The OEM Partnership with engine manufacturer, Perkins Engines, allows us to guarantee the highest level of availability.
EVW is a local manufacturer and your direct technical maintenance partner offering all-in contracts. Our long-time technical experience is your advantage when problems need to be solved and triggers us to identify areas for improvement.
We have experience with various fuels such as natural gas, biogas, waste gas and pure plant oils.
Certainly take a look at our references.
EVW is eager to help you examine the feasibility of your project.
Contact us for more information.