EVW continues on the path of sustainable innovation
Again EVW has invested in a sustainable solution when refurbishing its meeting infrastructure. The premises built in 1989 featured a single layer skylight in the first floor meeting room. To achieve better thermal insulation the skylight was replaced with a Lightcatcher from Econation.
This Flemish manufacturer has received ample press coverage and even renowned awards with its sustainable product. The basic principle of the LightCatcher is very simple. A mirror integrated within a polycarbonate light dome looks for the optimum light spot. This is usually the sun but if the sun is blocked by clouds or obstacles it finds another spot. The mirror captures the incoming daylight, which is then reflected, filtered, and amplified in a light shaft before spreading throughout the room.
Since EVW has long been defending the point of view that energy efficiency is our largest energy resource, the decision was quickly taken.
The new dome is added to the list of recent investment in energy saving measures, such as :
- Two Mini-CHP units (natural gas and rapeseed oil) to heat our premises and to generate electric power, for
instance to charge the batteries of the three E-vehicles in our car fleet.
- The parts washing unit in the mechanical workshop to clean engine parts in a closed loop water bath to with
biological detergent is added. Moreover, the unit's water is heated by the Mini-CHP!
- LED and other energy saving lighting installed at the time of refurbishment works in the community rooms,
entrance hall and offices.
So EVW remains on the track of energy efficiency and sustainability and hopes many SME's will follow in its footsteps.